This Saturday, the “Govind Ke Deewane” group, a dedicated ensemble of Sanatani Hindu devotees, is set to host a grand Radha Naam Kirtan and Bhajan program at the historic Gopinath Ji Mandir in Jaipur. The event promises to be a spiritual extravaganza, filled with devotional fervor and heartfelt worship.
Excitement Builds Among Devotees
Rupesh Sir, a senior member of the group and a prominent figure from RK Classes, expressed his excitement about the upcoming kirtan. “This kirtan will be very grand, and we are putting in all efforts to make it a memorable experience for all devotees,” he stated. The program is designed to offer a deep spiritual experience, culminating in the Shayan Aarti of Bhagwan Gopinath Ji, a revered ritual marking the conclusion of the day’s worship.
Encouraging Devotee Participation
Writer and speaker Suraj Sharma Aviram, who is actively involved with the “Govind Ke Deewane” group, emphasized the collective efforts to encourage maximum participation. “We are striving to ensure that more and more devotees come and take the benefit of this Kirtan. It is a golden opportunity for everyone to immerse themselves in the divine names of Radha and Govind,” he noted.
A Spiritual Gathering
The Radha Naam Kirtan and Bhajan program will feature a series of devotional songs and chants dedicated to Radha and Krishna, creating an atmosphere of piety and devotion. The “Govind Ke Deewane” group, known for its passionate and soulful renditions of bhajans, has been preparing diligently to make this event a spiritual highlight for the attendees.
Schedule and Highlights
- Venue: Gopinath Ji Mandir, Jaipur
- Date: Saturday, 15 Jun 2024
- Program Details:
- Start with Radha Naam Kirtan
- Series of Bhajans performed by the “Govind Ke Deewane” group
- Concluding with the Shayan Aarti of Bhagwan Gopinath Ji
Invitation to All
The “Govind Ke Deewane” group extends a warm invitation to all devotees and residents of Jaipur to join this divine gathering. The event not only aims to foster spiritual well-being but also to strengthen the community’s bond through collective worship and devotion.
This kirtan is not just a religious event but a celebration of faith, devotion, and the timeless love of Radha and Govind. By participating in this program, devotees can enrich their spiritual lives and find solace in the divine vibrations of the sacred chants.
As preparations are in full swing, the anticipation is palpable among the members of the “Govind Ke Deewane” group and the local community. The Gopinath Ji Mandir, with its rich heritage and spiritual significance, provides the perfect setting for this grand event.
Join the “Govind Ke Deewane” group this Saturday at Gopinath Ji Mandir, Jaipur, for an evening of divine music, heartfelt devotion, and spiritual rejuvenation. Let us come together to chant the holy names of Radha and Govind, and bask in the divine presence of Bhagwan Gopinath Ji.
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